Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tanner is still looking for her prince!

She is still looking for her prince. If she has to kiss 100 frogs, she will...until she finds the perfect one. Don't you just wish you could bottle up their cuteness at this age?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring time!

Finally after a long waited February, spring is here most days. February, took the family on a much needed Disney cruise to the Bahamas. Food (ice cream) and sun was all we needed to rid ourselves of the winter blues. I'll attach pictures tonight.

This past weekend was just as amazing with the wonderful weather God gave to us. It allowed our family to get out and work and play. Frank got an awesome 100 mile ride in with friends on Saturday. The kids and I did our weekly grocery shopping at Walmart. I can't bring myself to going to a "normal" grocery store and spending twice as much.

We played and played and worked in the yard to get it ready for spring planting . Ruby (the dog) ran her little heart out. I think she has spring fever. Lilly (the cat) just layed in the sunniest spot of the house. She is definately a sun bather.

Saturday night, was family night at the BMX track in Indiana. Keegan did alright, I think the day wore him out. By the time we got both kids their Shamrock shake at 9:00 p.m., they were both sound asleep in the back seat. These are the times Frank and I love the best; as we get a moment of silence and a moment to just talk to each other without being interrupted.

Sunday, consisted of a hole lot of nothing around the Rowley house. I did manage to get my 2nd coat of ceiling paint on the ceiling of our front room. One more coat, and I will move on to the walls. I am still struggling as to what color I want to paint them. Any suggestions, please pass my way.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Boys Trip to Oklahoma

Keegan and I loaded up the FJ Cruiser this past Thursday and headed off to the ABA Sooner Nationals in Guthrie Oklahoma. We had made the commitment to go many weeks ago and Keegan wasn’t going to let me back out, he awoke early Thursday ready to go, eager for the challenge. I on the other hand was a little nervous, I was considering this a two-step journey, if we made it there, step one would be complete, if we made it back a full success.
Within 5 miles of home Keegan had the DVD player rolling and was intent on asking me questions about motocross, then came Ranatouille, and a whole group of questions about rats, in the meantime I prepped him for the first big city we would encounter St. Louis, we decided that would be our lunch stop, just prior to the city we picked a Steak and Shake because he wanted a milk shake, back on the road he learned a good lesson, Steak and Shake sucks, he didn’t like it, nor the shake which beat the other alternative which would have been a whole weekend of eating that..
The weather was great, the temps were the warmest we had felt in months and we were both eager to get out and enjoy it, we decided to make our evening stop a little sooner to do so. Soon we were hanging outside of our hotel trying to see who’s paper airplane would fly the farthest and cleaning out the truck from a days worth of driving.
The next day we woke up early and drove the remaining 4hrs to Guthrie, checked into our hotel and went looking for some lunch. When we returned from lunch the hotel was buzzing with bmx’rs and everyone seemed excited to head to the stadium. Keegan’s practice started that afternoon at 3:20 and was 20 minutes long. He was nervous the first time out, but that soon changed to excitement and he was begging for more laps. He did his normal 5 laps and we then waited for the race order to be posted. He ended up winning his age class main event and he didn’t qualify for his open class main, the fact that he won his age made the open class non existent, we both were so excited. I had told him he could stop for ice cream on the way back to the hotel if he won and he wasn’t going to let me forget it.
The next day was a whole different adventure, the crowd was bigger and the kids all seemed to be more in tune to racing. Keegan was the 4th and 76th races of the day, the first was his open and then his age class, he ended up making the open main but not the age class for the day, however he really deserved an award for being patient and being good for the entire day, it was long and he never once complained. We arrived at the track at 7:30 and left immediately following his last race at 4:30, I was beat, I couldn’t imagine how he was feeling after all that riding and excitement.
He immediately fell asleep for the first two hrs of driving and woke up as hungry as a tiger, if I didn’t find him food quick he may have turned on me in the truck. The next 3hrs consisted of round two of the rat movie and then once again he was out. In the best interest of “team safety” we decided to find a hotel at 11pm, it was a short stay at a Holiday Inn Express, alarm was set for 4:30am and we were soon off once again. Other than a two hr snow storm in Illinois the drive was pretty boring the rest of the way, I did manage to watch the rat movie again, for the third time, without seeing the end…againWe arrived home at 11am Sunday morning, both of us were ready to see both Brittney & Tanner along with celebrate her 2nd birthday, it won’t be long and they will be ready to be heading with us. I could sense that Brittney is ready to start making the big trips also after she listened to Keegan repeat the stories from the weekend over and over…

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Look Who's Two!

Tanner Noelle Rowley is two, and she knows it. We had a great weekenk making her birthday cake and doing girl stuff together. I can't beleive she is two. I am so blessed to have a healthy and happy little girl. It is amazing to watch her grow and develop mentally. We are still a little quiet with words, but loud on expression.

Happy Birthday, Tanner.
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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Boys are gone for the weekend

Keegan and Frank are spending some quality guy time together for the next three days. Driving 12 hours in the car to Oklahoma for a National BMX race. Keegan has been on cloud 9 all week long, with the energy of a 5 year old on 5 lb bag of sugar. I am not sure if he is more excited about spending time with his dad or racing at a new BMX track. His race will be online live on saturday at . if you think about it check it out. It will also be broadcasted through NBC Universal Sports; one of those sport channels you never go to on the tv.

Tanner and I are having a "girls" weekend. We are going to paint our nails and do some shopping. We are even going to attempt to bake a birthday cake from scratch for her. Yep, her birthday is this Sunday...she will be two. We will have cake and ice cream for everyone on Sunday afternoon. Pictures to follow the weekend.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Snow in the Midwest

Tanner's first adventure in sledding in the snow. She was not
happy that she had to wear gloves. She hates to wear gloves,
so we were only at the sled hill for about 30 minutes. Tanner
did go down the hill with her dad. I am assuming she was laughing
when she got to the bottom, because we had to look for her binky.

Here is speed demon himself, Keegan Rowley.
He scared me the first time he went down, because he
was going to fast. I did not think he would do it, but he did.

Just like his dad, he loves the snow.

Nobody loves the snow more than Ruby...she would lay
outside all least until we went to bed. Even though
she loves the snow, she loves to cuddle in bed more.
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