Finally after a long waited February, spring is here most days. February, took the family on a much needed Disney cruise to the Bahamas. Food (ice cream) and sun was all we needed to rid ourselves of the winter blues. I'll attach pictures tonight.
This past weekend was just as amazing with the wonderful weather God gave to us. It allowed our family to get out and work and play. Frank got an awesome 100 mile ride in with friends on Saturday. The kids and I did our weekly grocery shopping at Walmart. I can't bring myself to going to a "normal" grocery store and spending twice as much.
We played and played and worked in the yard to get it ready for spring planting . Ruby (the dog) ran her little heart out. I think she has spring fever. Lilly (the cat) just layed in the sunniest spot of the house. She is definately a sun bather.
Saturday night, was family night at the BMX track in Indiana. Keegan did alright, I think the day wore him out. By the time we got both kids their Shamrock shake at 9:00 p.m., they were both sound asleep in the back seat. These are the times Frank and I love the best; as we get a moment of silence and a moment to just talk to each other without being interrupted.
Sunday, consisted of a hole lot of nothing around the Rowley house. I did manage to get my 2nd coat of ceiling paint on the ceiling of our front room. One more coat, and I will move on to the walls. I am still struggling as to what color I want to paint them. Any suggestions, please pass my way.
IC Prep High School Senior Photos
1 year ago